miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019


Something about me in the school.

Imagen relacionadaBefore I come in the university, 
 I was study in a technical school for 2 years, I was study technical drawing, I like a lot and that is why
 I chose to study architecture, besides my teacher told my about the career. when I finished my fourth grade I had to do my profesional practice, I was very nervous, but in the company  everyone was very nice with me! that is great!.
Santiago, the drawer who worked in the company, he teaching of my everything I need to known about the work, and he got fired... with only 2 weeks in the company and I had to carry everything me... I make several mistakes but it helped me to learn about working in a company and the world of work. It was not easy, I suffere but I used to it and after 1 month the work was made easy to me, (after many mistakes), now I was not just drawing, I was visiting a site and managed the produccion workshop. After 3 month I had to leave the company to go to university but not before giving thanks for all that has learned. 
This experience taugt me to endeavor for my goals and learn form my mistakes :)

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019


Feel the air in a hill 

I Always things when I will go to the hill of my house, for the university I havent time or I have hard to ordening my time, When I was go to the school, everyday I was go to my hill, yes, my hill, I reared there, I growed there and I want my children grow up there, because it is my favourity place of my home.
I climbed the hill all the time, when I needed to thinks or just clear my head, with my friends to have fun or execise, with my family for lunch and walk about the hill, all there is a mamories and experience very beautifull for my.
But nothing last forever, today they bought the land where the hill is and the owners prohibited the passage for build a condominium, destroy a natural enviroment to build more houses, destroy the habitat of the animals there,
I have very much desagre with this way of thinking.

There are always other opcions, I thinks a form to live in harmony, with the natural, its fauna and flora.

Resultado de imagen para colina chile

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

BLOG 1: A country i would like to visit

when i think of a place to I would to visit, I think whats is a thing I would to see in there, for example, I like to much basketball, I would to visit United State, more specific New York to visit the Madison Squere Garden, but I want to see the Architecture of the place,  also in New york, to visit a Empire state and Central Park, that is a my places to visit in New york.

The Madison Squere Garden is a basketball stadium, this is a most famous in the United States, I dream with a one day to throw into the basket of this arena or play basketball there.
The places I would to see the Architecture are many, for this I thinks to the best biulding too see in this country is a Empire State, is a biuldings for my interest because the architect use other desings of the biuldings to desing the Empire State, that is very caracteristic of the time, is a modernist skycraper of 380 meters high.

Resultado de imagen para madison square garden

jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

My best partner of walk.

 when a was a boy, my grandfather give to me a horse, a small horse of brown fur and horsehair black colour, I remember I was a very happy and my grandfather called him niko, yes, just like me lol.
When I could, we went with my horse to walk to the hill in the afternoon, I enjoyed that very much, in the hill, niko ate grass and I played on the stones.
I have beautiful memories with him, and other not vary beautiful, he bounced me of his back may times, that it´s funny and painful but I loves my horse, is my best friend and partner of walk in the hill.
Today he is very big and beautiful, is 18 years old and it has a lot energy to walk the hill with me.
I will continue to enjoy your company because I think that he too.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place in Chile

I have love the nature, in my life, I have visited diferent place in Chile all beautiful, but, the most beautiful and special for my is a Renaico, in the south of Chile. In this place live the sister of my grandmother and my young cousin, in the past, I have visited this place every summer for the river, the river Renaico is a special for my, I have love this river since I was a child and in this place I have feel free and calm it very beautiful this feeling.
other thing that I like of this place, is a people that live in this town, they are a simple persons and polites. 
The town is small and in the plaza have a many local trees that attract diferents bird to the plaza. The plaza is a place in this town to go in the afternoom with Friends but the river is a perfect site to see the star in the nigth. 

I don´t go to this place the last summer, because I had studied, but this summer, I go to the take a shower in this river again. 

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

My first show

I'm a crab, in this photo I was a 7 years old and  I´m with my cousins, In this show I danced the song ''under the sea'' of the movie The Litlle Mermaid in the mother day and I was the crab.
In this moment I was in the kindergarten  and my mother, my aunt, my grandmother, my grandfather and cousins went to see my show.
My grandmother took this photo  and  put it in the room.

I remember that in the show all my classmate and the aunts of garden get dressed a sea animals and we dance taken from hands, it was funny.
My mom recorded me and sometimes we see it to remember the show, my aunt always see it, she loves me! omg

I like this photo because it reminds me of where I come from and my infancy, now that disguise of crab is saved and will pass to my younger brother for he show.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Basketball in my day to day life.

I have played basketball for 3 years. In the school, I played with my Friends and trained in the team of the school. I go to play in the park court but I like training to, for this reason I train a lot.
I like basketball because it is dificult but not imposible, I also  play with my girlfriend in my free time and because I want to improve my game.
The basketball consist in putting the ball into the basket from the enemy team, you can do it with a shoot or a entrance direct, and defence the basket own. 
the sport is very funny!! but it is not easy, the training is a only method for play god the sport.

The Training

In the training, I go to  learning everithing for the game and practice shoots, pass, entrance, to play with the team and tactic in the game. I train 3 times in the week for improve my game.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

My Favourite piece of Technology

The technology a solution my problems everyday, in the university, my home and in the city, my favourite piece of technology is the program Skype in my computer, Skype is a tool to communícate for chat and video all around the world. It a very funny use this program, I am  use to speak with my cousin Jennifer and see her in the video, because she lives in brazil.

I often use this program third day in the week and when my cousin call me in the weekend even though somethings I call my Friends for speak and play a videogame with they. My family like program, because I call my kinsman in Iquique for speak with they and see in video.

the program has been facilitated the communication with the whole family, In my case I like this program because it allow see the other and this it very funny!, I like very much speak with my cousin, she is my best friends and we talked about everything, if I has not this program, I would miss my cousin very much and calling her for telephone is complicated.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

I´m 17 Years old, I was born in Santiago, Chile and I have three brothers and one sister. I lived with my sister, my small brother, my mother and her husband. My father lived in another house with his family, even though, he always call to me.
From small  I´m a very fan to the music and animals, i like a electronic music and i have a guinea pig, his name is Morty.

when I was a child play football but I don't liked much. In the high school I played basketball in my free time and to compete for my school. I studied Technical drawing in the high school for study architecture in the university of chile, when I graduated a Technical draftsman I did my professional practice in a company called Canalinox.

Today I´m study in my secound year for architecture and play basketball in the faculty.